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UK Terms & Conditions

Information on this Site

The information on this website ("Information") is issued by Lancaster Investment Management LLP (“Lancaster”), a limited liability partnership incorporated in England and Wales under Company number OC330805 and has its registered office at Yalding House, 152-156 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 6AJ. Lancaster is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (the "FCA") and is registered as an investment adviser with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC").

The Information is not directed at any person in any jurisdiction where it is illegal or unlawful to access and/or use such information. Lancaster disclaims all responsibility if you access or download any Information in breach of any law or regulation of the country in which you reside. Access to the website is limited to persons who are professional clients and eligible counterparties, as defined by the FCA in the United Kingdom and other professional persons to whom it is lawfully permitted to provide access. for US persons, access is restricted to persons who are ‘accredited investors’.

Accordingly, all persons who access this website are required to inform themselves of and to comply with all applicable sales restrictions in their home country.

Sales Restrictions

United Kingdom: certain of the funds referred to in the restricted part of this site (the "Restricted Area") more commonly known as hedge funds are not recognised collective investment schemes for the purposes of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 of the United Kingdom (the "Act"). The promotion of such funds and the distribution of offering materials in relation to such funds in the United Kingdom is accordingly restricted by law.

The information contained in the "Restricted Area" is only available to and directed only at persons to whom such funds may lawfully be promoted by a person authorised under the Act (an "authorised person") by virtue of Section 238(5) of the Act and Chapter 4 (Part 12) of the FCA Conduct of Business Sourcebook. Information must not be relied or acted upon by any other persons.

The hedge funds in the Restricted Area are not regulated under the UK's financial services regulations and investors in those funds will not benefit from the rules and regulations made under the Act for the protection of investors or from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

Shares in the hedge funds in the Restricted Area are not dealt in or on a recognised or designated investment exchange for the purposes of the Act, nor is there a market maker in such shares, and it may, therefore, be difficult for an investor to dispose of his shares.

Access to the Restricted Area requires possession of a valid password and no other person should attempt to gain access to it.

An application for shares in any of the funds referred to on this site should only be made having read fully the relevant prospectus.

No Offer or Advice

The Information is provided for information purposes only, on the basis that you make your own investment decisions and do not rely upon it and does not constitute an invitation or offer to subscribe for or purchase interests in the Funds. Lancaster is not soliciting any action based on it and it does not constitute a personal recommendation or investment advice. The Site is not intended as and is not to be taken as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any security or interest, nor does it constitute an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction, including those in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such solicitation or offer. Any decision to purchase securities or interests with respect to any of the Funds described on this Site must be based solely upon the information contained in the Prospectus. Should you have any queries about the investment funds referred to on this site, you should contact your financial adviser.

The material contained on the Site is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice and the information herein is not provided in a fiduciary capacity. Potential investors in the Funds should seek their own independent financial advice. Lancaster neither provides investment advice to, nor receives and transmits orders from, investors in the Funds nor does it carry on any other activities with or for such investors that constitute 'MIFID or equivalent third country business' for the purposes of the rules of the FCA. The Site does not allow visitors to make investments in any of the Funds.

Risk Factors

Past performance is not an indication of future performance. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Consequently, you are not certain to make a profit on your investments and you may lose money.

The hedge funds in the Restricted Area may be subject to higher risk and volatility than other funds and may not be suitable for all investors. These funds are not regulated.

Exchange rates may cause the value of overseas investments and the income arising from them to rise or fall.

The levels and bases of and reliefs from taxation may change. Any tax reliefs referred to are those currently available and their value depends on the circumstances of the individual investor. Investors should consult their own tax adviser in order to understand any applicable tax consequences.

Accuracy of Information

The Information (including any expression of opinion or forecast) has been obtained from, or is based on, sources believed by Lancaster to be reliable, but are not guaranteed as to their accuracy or completeness and should not be relied upon. The Information is provided without obligation on the part of Lancaster and on the understanding that any person who acts upon it or changes his investment position in reliance on it does so entirely at his own risk. The Information does not constitute an offer to buy or sell or an invitation to make an offer to buy or sell shares in any investment fund referred to herein.

Information is current only as at the date it is first posted and may no longer be true or complete when viewed by you. All Information may be changed or amended without prior notice although Lancaster does not undertake to update this site regularly.

No Liability

No representation, warranty or undertaking is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the Information by Lancaster or any of its associated companies and no liability is accepted by such persons for the accuracy or completeness of such information. In no event will Lancaster or any of its associated companies be liable to any person for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of any use of the Information, or on any other hyperlinked site, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or data on your equipment, or otherwise, even if Lancaster is expressly advised of the possibility or likelihood of such damages. This does not exclude or restrict any duty or liability that Lancaster has to its customers under the regulatory system in the United Kingdom.

You should be aware that the Internet is not a completely reliable transmission medium. Lancaster does not accept any liability for any data transmission errors such as data loss or damage or alteration of any kind, including, but not limited to any direct, indirect or consequential damage, arising out of the use of the products or services referred to herein. This does not exclude or restrict any duty or liability that Lancaster has to its customers under the regulatory system in the United Kingdom.


To make a complaint about this site, you may contact our Compliance Officer by email at or by writing to Lancaster Investment Management LLP, Yalding House, 152 – 156 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 6AJ, United Kingdom.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lancaster, its affiliates and licensors, and the officers, partners, employees, and agents of Lancaster and its affiliates and licensors, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses, including legal fees and costs, arising out of or in any way connected with your access to or use of this website and the Information.

Material Interests

Lancaster and its partners, officers, and/or employees may have holdings in the funds referred to on this site and may otherwise be interested in transactions that you effect in those funds.

Linked Websites

This site may be linked to third-party websites or contain information provided by third parties. Lancaster does not make any representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such websites or information, has not and will not review or update such websites or information, and cautions browsers that any use made of such websites or information is at their own risk. Lancaster does not accept any liability arising out of the information contained on any linked website or Information provided by a third party and the use of such sites and information is at your own risk. This does not exclude or restrict any duty or liability that Lancaster has to its customers under the regulatory system in the United Kingdom.

Copyright, Trademarks and Other Rights

Copyright, trademarks, database rights, patents and all similar rights in this site and the information contained in it are owned by Lancaster, its licensors or relevant third party providers. You may use the Information and reproduce it in hard copy for your personal reference only. The Information may not otherwise be reproduced, distributed, stored, or transmitted without Lancaster’s written consent. Nothing on this site should be considered as granting any licence or right under any trademark of Lancaster or any third party.

Governing Law

You agree that your use of this site and any dispute arising from the use of this site is subject to English law and you submit to the jurisdiction of the English courts.

Privacy, Data Protection & Cookies

Lancaster is committed to safeguarding your Personal Data. You may be asked through this site to provide Personal Data such as your name, address, telephone number, email address and other information in connection with Lancaster’s client registration procedures. To the extent that Lancaster collects any Personal Data about you, Lancaster will hold it in confidence and in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. Please see our Privacy Policy for details as to how we hold and use your Personal Data.

Telephone calls made to Lancaster will be recorded and recordings may be used for training purposes or to meet Lancaster’s regulatory requirements. Any Personal Data provided during the call will be used and held in accordance with relevant data protection requirements.

Lancaster uses cookies: a "cookie" is a small file placed on your device to allow us to recognise and remember your browser. We can use several types: session cookies to help you navigate to the appropriate part of Lancaster’s website for the jurisdiction in which you are located - these are temporary and will be removed at the end of your session; persistent cookies if you click on "remember me" to enable you to customise your use of the website - this will be stored on your computer's hard drive until automatic expiry after 30 days or until you delete it; persistent cookies to collect non-personal data for analytic reports and advertising to track your use of Lancaster’s website – this is stored on your computer's hard drive until they expire or until you delete them; advertising cookies so we can understand what sort of pages you are interested in and display advertising on your browser based on these interests and show you advertising based on your browsing patterns and interactions on Lancaster’s and other third-party websites. We may share online non-personal data collected through cookies with our advertising partners. By clicking on the acceptance box you hereby give your consent to Lancaster using these cookies.

Europe Terms & Conditions

Information on this Site

The information on this website ("Information") is issued by Lancaster Investment Management LLP (“Lancaster”), a limited liability partnership incorporated in England and Wales under Company number OC330805 and has its registered office at Yalding House, 152-156 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 6AJ. Lancaster is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (the "FCA") and is registered as an investment adviser with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC").

The Information is not directed at any person in any jurisdiction where it is illegal or unlawful to access and/or use such information. Lancaster disclaims all responsibility if you access or download any Information in breach of any law or regulation of the country in which you reside. Access to the website is limited to persons who are professional clients and eligible counterparties, as defined by the FCA in the United Kingdom and other professional persons to whom it is lawfully permitted to provide access. for US persons, access is restricted to persons who are ‘accredited investors’.

Accordingly, all persons who access this website are required to inform themselves of and to comply with all applicable sales restrictions in their home country.

Sales Restrictions

The Information on this website does not constitute an offer to buy or sell or an invitation to make an offer to buy or sell any securities. Specific information on Lancaster’s investment products is only available to persons who have successfully registered to access the restricted part of this site (the "Restricted Area").

No Offer or Advice

The Information is provided for information purposes only, on the basis that you make your own investment decisions and do not rely upon it and does not constitute an invitation or offer to subscribe for or purchase interests in the Funds. Lancaster is not soliciting any action based on it and it does not constitute a personal recommendation or investment advice. The Site is not intended as and is not to be taken as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any security or interest, nor does it constitute an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction, including those in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such solicitation or offer. Any decision to purchase securities or interests with respect to any of the Funds described on this Site must be based solely upon the information contained in the Prospectus. Should you have any queries about the investment funds referred to on this site, you should contact your financial adviser.

The material contained on the Site is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice and the information herein is not provided in a fiduciary capacity. Potential investors in the Funds should seek their own independent financial advice. Lancaster neither provides investment advice to, nor receives and transmits orders from, investors in the Funds nor does it carry on any other activities with or for such investors that constitute 'MIFID or equivalent third country business' for the purposes of the rules of the FCA. The Site does not allow visitors to make investments in any of the Funds.

Risk Factors

Past performance is not an indication of future performance. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Because of this, you are not certain to make a profit on your investments and you may lose money.

Exchange rates, among many other factors, may cause the value of overseas investments and the income arising from them to rise or fall.

Investments may have adverse tax consequences. Investors should consult their own tax adviser in order to understand any applicable tax consequences.

Accuracy of Information

The Information (including any expression of opinion or forecast) has been obtained from, or is based on, sources believed by Lancaster to be reliable, but is not guaranteed as to its accuracy or completeness and should not be relied upon. The Information is provided without obligation on the part of Lancaster and on the understanding that any person who acts upon it or changes his investment position in reliance on it does so entirely at his own risk. This does not affect any rights that may not be disclaimed under applicable law, including rights under federal and state securities laws.

Information is current only as at the date it is first posted and may no longer be true or complete when viewed by you. All Information may be changed or amended without prior notice although Lancaster does not undertake to update this site regularly.

No Liability

No representation, warranty or undertaking is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the Information by Lancaster or any of its associated companies and no liability is accepted by such persons for the accuracy or completeness of such Information. In no event will Lancaster or any of its associated companies be liable to any person for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of any use of the Information, or on any other hyper-linked site, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or data on your equipment, or otherwise, even if Lancaster is expressly advised of the possibility or likelihood of such damages.

You should be aware that the Internet is not a completely reliable transmission medium. Lancaster does not accept any liability for any data transmission errors such as data loss or damage or alteration of any kind, including, but not limited to any direct, indirect or consequential damage, arising out of the use of the products or services referred to herein.

The two prior paragraphs do not affect any rights that may not be disclaimed under applicable law, including rights under federal and state securities laws.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lancaster, its affiliates and licensors, and the officers, partners, employees, and agents of Lancaster and its affiliates and licensors, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses, including legal fees and costs, arising out of or in any way connected with your access to or use of this website and the Information.

Material Interests

Lancaster and its partners, officers and/or employees may have holdings in the investment products referred to on this site and may otherwise be interested in transactions that you effect in those products.

Linked Websites

This site may be linked to third party websites or contain information provided by third parties. Lancaster does not make any representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such websites or information, has not and will not review or update such websites or information, and cautions browsers that any use made of such websites or information is at their own risk. Lancaster does not accept any liability arising out of the information contained on any linked website or Information provided by a third party and the use of such sites and information is at your own risk. This does not affect any rights that may not be disclaimed under applicable law, including rights under federal and state securities laws.

Copyright, Trademarks and Other Rights

Copyright, trademarks, database rights, patents and all similar rights in this site and the information contained in it are owned by Lancaster, its licensors or relevant third party providers. You may use the Information and reproduce it in hard copy for your personal reference only. The Information may not otherwise be reproduced, distributed, stored or transmitted without Lancaster’s written consent. Nothing on this site should be considered as granting any licence or right under any trademark of Lancaster or any third party.

Governing Law


Waiver of Jury Trial

You irrevocably waive any right to a jury trial in any dispute or proceeding arising from the use of this site.

Privacy, Data Protection & Cookies

Lancaster is committed to safeguarding your Personal Data. You may be asked through this site to provide Personal Data such as your name, address, telephone number, email address and other information in connection with Lancaster’s client registration procedures. To the extent that Lancaster collects any Personal Data about you, Lancaster will hold it in confidence and in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. Please see our Privacy Policy for details as to how we hold and use your Personal Data.

Telephone calls made to Lancaster will be recorded and recordings may be used for training purposes or to meet Lancaster’s regulatory requirements. Any Personal Data provided during the call will be used and held in accordance with relevant data protection requirements.

Lancaster uses cookies: a "cookie" is a small file placed on your device to allow us to recognise and remember your browser. We can use several types: session cookies to help you navigate to the appropriate part of Lancaster’s website for the jurisdiction in which you are located - these are temporary and will be removed at the end of your session; persistent cookies if you click on "remember me" to enable you to customise your use of the website - this will be stored on your computer's hard drive until automatic expiry after 30 days or until you delete it; persistent cookies to collect non-personal data for analytic reports and advertising to track your use of Lancaster’s website – this is stored on your computer's hard drive until they expire or until you delete them; advertising cookies so we can understand what sort of pages you are interested in and display advertising on your browser based on these interests and show you advertising based on your browsing patterns and interactions on Lancaster’s and other third-party websites. We may share online non-personal data collected through cookies with our advertising partners. By clicking on the acceptance box you hereby give your consent to Lancaster using these cookies.

US Terms & Conditions

Information on this Site

The information on this website ("Information") is issued by Lancaster Investment Management LLP (“Lancaster”), a limited liability partnership incorporated in England and Wales under Company number OC330805 and has its registered office at Yalding House, 152-156 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 6AJ. Lancaster is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (the "FCA") and is registered as an investment adviser with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC").

The Information is not directed at any person in any jurisdiction where it is illegal or unlawful to access and/or use such information. Lancaster disclaims all responsibility if you access or download any Information in breach of any law or regulation of the country in which you reside. Access to the website is limited to persons who are professional clients and eligible counterparties, as defined by the FCA in the United Kingdom and other professional persons to whom it is lawfully permitted to provide access. for US persons, access is restricted to persons who are ‘accredited investors’.

Accordingly, all persons who access this website are required to inform themselves of and to comply with all applicable sales restrictions in their home country.

Sales Restrictions

The Information on this website does not constitute an offer to buy or sell or an invitation to make an offer to buy or sell any securities. Specific information on Lancaster’s investment products is only available to persons who have successfully registered to access the restricted part of this site (the "Restricted Area").

No Offer or Advice

The Information is provided for information purposes only, on the basis that you make your own investment decisions and do not rely upon it and does not constitute an invitation or offer to subscribe for or purchase interests in the Funds. Lancaster is not soliciting any action based on it and it does not constitute a personal recommendation or investment advice. The Site is not intended as and is not to be taken as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any security or interest, nor does it constitute an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction, including those in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such solicitation or offer. Any decision to purchase securities or interests with respect to any of the Funds described on this Site must be based solely upon the information contained in the Prospectus. Should you have any queries about the investment funds referred to on this site, you should contact your financial adviser.

The material contained on the Site is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice and the information herein is not provided in a fiduciary capacity. Potential investors in the Funds should seek their own independent financial advice. The Site does not allow visitors to make investments in any of the Funds.

No advice is given as to any federal, state, local, or non-U.S. tax matters. You should consult with your own professional tax adviser before making any investment.

Risk Factors

Past performance is not an indication of future performance. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Because of this, you are not certain to make a profit on your investments and you may lose money.

Exchange rates, among many other factors, may cause the value of investments outside the United States and the income arising from them to rise or fall.

Investments may have adverse tax consequences. Investors should consult their own tax adviser in order to understand any applicable tax consequences.

Accuracy of Information

The Information (including any expression of opinion or forecast) has been obtained from, or is based on, sources believed by Lancaster to be reliable, but is not guaranteed as to its accuracy or completeness and should not be relied upon. The Information is provided without obligation on the part of Lancaster and on the understanding that any person who acts upon it or changes their investment position in reliance on it does so entirely at their own risk. This does not affect any rights that may not be disclaimed under applicable law, including rights under federal and state securities laws.

Information is current only as at the date it is first posted and may no longer be true or complete when viewed by you. All Information may be changed or amended without prior notice although Lancaster does not undertake to update this site regularly.

No Liability

No representation, warranty or undertaking is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the Information by Lancaster or any of its associated companies and no liability is accepted by such persons for the accuracy or completeness of such Information. In no event will Lancaster or any of its associated companies be liable to any person for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of any use of the Information, or on any other hyper-linked site, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or data on your equipment, or otherwise, even if Lancaster is expressly advised of the possibility or likelihood of such damages.

You should be aware that the Internet is not a completely reliable transmission medium. Lancaster does not accept any liability for any data transmission errors such as data loss or damage or alteration of any kind, including, but not limited to any direct, indirect or consequential damage, arising out of the use of the products or services referred to herein.

The two prior paragraphs do not affect any rights that may not be disclaimed under applicable law, including rights under federal and state securities laws.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lancaster, its affiliates and licensors, and the officers, partners, employees, and agents of Lancaster and its affiliates and licensors, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses, including legal fees and costs, arising out of or in any way connected with your access to or use of this website and the Information.

Material Interests

Lancaster and its partners, officers and/or employees may have holdings in the investment products referred to on this site and may otherwise be interested in transactions that you effect in those products.

Linked Websites

This site may be linked to third party websites or contain information provided by third parties. Lancaster does not make any representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such websites or information, has not and will not review or update such websites or information, and cautions browsers that any use made of such websites or information is at their own risk. Lancaster does not accept any liability arising out of the information contained on any linked website or Information provided by a third party and the use of such sites and information is at your own risk. This does not affect any rights that may not be disclaimed under applicable law, including rights under federal and state securities laws.

Copyright, Trademarks and Other Rights

Copyright, trademarks, database rights, patents and all similar rights in this site and the information contained in it are owned by Lancaster, its licensors or relevant third party providers. You may use the Information and reproduce it in hard copy for your personal reference only. The Information may not otherwise be reproduced, distributed, stored or transmitted without Lancaster’s written consent. Nothing on this site should be considered as granting any licence or right under any trademark of Lancaster or any third party.

Governing Law


Waiver of Jury Trial

You irrevocably waive any right to a jury trial in any dispute or proceeding arising from the use of this site.

Privacy, Data Protection & Cookies

Lancaster is committed to safeguarding your Personal Data. You may be asked through this site to provide Personal Data such as your name, address, telephone number, email address and other information in connection with Lancaster’s client registration procedures. To the extent that Lancaster collects any Personal Data about you, Lancaster will hold it in confidence and in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. Please see our Privacy Policy for details as to how we hold and use your Personal Data.

Telephone calls made to Lancaster will be recorded and recordings may be used for training purposes or to meet Lancaster’s regulatory requirements. Any Personal Data provided during the call will be used and held in accordance with relevant data protection requirements.

Lancaster uses cookies: a "cookie" is a small file placed on your device to allow us to recognise and remember your browser. We can use several types: session cookies to help you navigate to the appropriate part of Lancaster’s website for the jurisdiction in which you are located – these are temporary and will be removed at the end of your session; persistent cookies if you click on "remember me" to enable you to customise your use of the website – this will be stored on your computer's hard drive until automatic expiry after 30 days or until you delete it; persistent cookies to collect non-personal data for analytic reports and advertising to track your use of Lancaster’s website – this is stored on your computer's hard drive until they expire or until you delete them; advertising cookies so we can understand what sort of pages you are interested in and display advertising on your browser based on your browsing patterns and interactions on Lancaster’s and other third-party websites. We may share online non-personal data collected through cookies with our advertising partners. By clicking on the acceptance box you hereby give your consent to Lancaster using these cookies.

Asia Terms & Conditions

Information on this Site

The information on this website ("Information") is issued by Lancaster Investment Management LLP (“Lancaster”), a limited liability partnership incorporated in England and Wales under Company number OC330805 and has its registered office at Yalding House, 152-156 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 6AJ. Lancaster is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (the "FCA") and is registered as an investment adviser with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC").

The Information is not directed at any person in any jurisdiction where it is illegal or unlawful to access and/or use such information. Lancaster disclaims all responsibility if you access or download any Information in breach of any law or regulation of the country in which you reside. Access to the website is limited to persons who are professional clients and eligible counterparties, as defined by the FCA in the United Kingdom and other professional persons to whom it is lawfully permitted to provide access. for US persons, access is restricted to persons who are ‘accredited investors’.

Accordingly, all persons who access this website are required to inform themselves of and to comply with all applicable sales restrictions in their home country.

Sales Restrictions

The Information on this website does not constitute an offer to buy or sell or an invitation to make an offer to buy or sell any securities. Specific information on Lancaster’s investment products is only available to persons who have successfully registered to access the restricted part of this site (the "Restricted Area").

No Offer or Advice

The Information is provided for information purposes only, on the basis that you make your own investment decisions and do not rely upon it and does not constitute an invitation or offer to subscribe for or purchase interests in the Funds. Lancaster is not soliciting any action based on it and it does not constitute a personal recommendation or investment advice. The Site is not intended as and is not to be taken as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any security or interest, nor does it constitute an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction, including those in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such solicitation or offer. Any decision to purchase securities or interests with respect to any of the Funds described on this Site must be based solely upon the information contained in the Prospectus. Should you have any queries about the investment funds referred to on this site, you should contact your financial adviser.

The material contained on the Site is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice and the information herein is not provided in a fiduciary capacity. Potential investors in the Funds should seek their own independent financial advice. The Site does not allow visitors to make investments in any of the Funds.

Risk Factors

Past performance is not an indication of future performance. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Because of this, you are not certain to make a profit on your investments and you may lose money.

Exchange rates, among many other factors, may cause the value of investments and the income arising from them to rise or fall.

Investments may have adverse tax consequences. Investors should consult their own tax adviser in order to understand any applicable tax consequences.

Accuracy of Information

The Information (including any expression of opinion or forecast) has been obtained from, or is based on, sources believed by Lancaster to be reliable, but is not guaranteed as to its accuracy or completeness and should not be relied upon. The Information is provided without obligation on the part of Lancaster and on the understanding that any person who acts upon it or changes his investment position in reliance on it does so entirely at his own risk. This does not affect any rights that may not be disclaimed under applicable law, including rights under federal and state securities laws.

Information is current only as at the date it is first posted and may no longer be true or complete when viewed by you. All Information may be changed or amended without prior notice although Lancaster does not undertake to update this site regularly.

No Liability

No representation, warranty or undertaking is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the Information by Lancaster or any of its associated companies and no liability is accepted by such persons for the accuracy or completeness of such Information. In no event will Lancaster or any of its associated companies be liable to any person for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of any use of the Information, or on any other hyper-linked site, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or data on your equipment, or otherwise, even if Lancaster is expressly advised of the possibility or likelihood of such damages.

You should be aware that the Internet is not a completely reliable transmission medium. Lancaster does not accept any liability for any data transmission errors such as data loss or damage or alteration of any kind, including, but not limited to any direct, indirect or consequential damage, arising out of the use of the products or services referred to herein.

The two prior paragraphs do not affect any rights that may not be disclaimed under applicable law, including rights under federal and state securities laws


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lancaster, its affiliates and licensors, and the officers, partners, employees, and agents of Lancaster and its affiliates and licensors, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses, including legal fees and costs, arising out of or in any way connected with your access to or use of this website and the Information.

Material Interests

Lancaster and its partners, officers and/or employees may have holdings in the investment products referred to on this site and may otherwise be interested in transactions that you effect in those products.

Linked Websites

This site may be linked to third party websites or contain information provided by third parties. Lancaster does not make any representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such websites or information, has not and will not review or update such websites or information, and cautions browsers that any use made of such websites or information is at their own risk. Lancaster does not accept any liability arising out of the information contained on any linked website or Information provided by a third party and the use of such sites and information is at your own risk. This does not affect any rights that may not be disclaimed under applicable law, including rights under federal and state securities laws.

Copyright, Trademarks and Other Rights

Copyright, trademarks, database rights, patents and all similar rights in this site and the information contained in it are owned by Lancaster, its licensors or relevant third party providers. You may use the Information and reproduce it in hard copy for your personal reference only. The Information may not otherwise be reproduced, distributed, stored or transmitted without Lancaster’s written consent. Nothing on this site should be considered as granting any licence or right under any trademark of Lancaster or any third party.

Governing Law


Waiver of Jury Trial

You irrevocably waive any right to a jury trial in any dispute or proceeding arising from the use of this site.

Privacy, Data Protection & Cookies

Lancaster is committed to safeguarding your Personal Data. You may be asked through this site to provide Personal Data such as your name, address, telephone number, email address and other information in connection with Lancaster’s client registration procedures. To the extent that Lancaster collects any Personal Data about you, Lancaster will hold it in confidence and in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. Please see our Privacy Policy for details as to how we hold and use your Personal Data.

Telephone calls made to Lancaster will be recorded and recordings may be used for training purposes or to meet Lancaster’s regulatory requirements. Any Personal Data provided during the call will be used and held in accordance with relevant data protection requirements.

Lancaster uses cookies: a "cookie" is a small file placed on your device to allow us to recognise and remember your browser. We can use several types: session cookies to help you navigate to the appropriate part of Lancaster’s website for the jurisdiction in which you are located - these are temporary and will be removed at the end of your session; persistent cookies if you click on "remember me" to enable you to customise your use of the website - this will be stored on your computer's hard drive until automatic expiry after 30 days or until you delete it; persistent cookies to collect non-personal data for analytic reports and advertising to track your use of Lancaster’s website – this is stored on your computer's hard drive until they expire or until you delete them; advertising cookies so we can understand what sort of pages you are interested in and display advertising on your browser based on these interests and show you advertising based on your browsing patterns and interactions on Lancaster’s and other third-party websites. We may share online non-personal data collected through cookies with our advertising partners. By clicking on the acceptance box you hereby give your consent to Lancaster using these cookies.

Rest of World Terms & Conditions

Information on this Site

The information on this website ("Information") is issued by Lancaster Investment Management LLP (“Lancaster”), a limited liability partnership incorporated in England and Wales under Company number OC330805 and has its registered office at Yalding House, 152-156 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 6AJ. Lancaster is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (the "FCA") and is registered as an investment adviser with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC").

The Information is not directed at any person in any jurisdiction where it is illegal or unlawful to access and/or use such information. Lancaster disclaims all responsibility if you access or download any Information in breach of any law or regulation of the country in which you reside. Access to the website is limited to persons who are professional clients and eligible counterparties, as defined by the FCA in the United Kingdom and other professional persons to whom it is lawfully permitted to provide access. for US persons, access is restricted to persons who are ‘accredited investors’.

Accordingly, all persons who access this website are required to inform themselves of and to comply with all applicable sales restrictions in their home country.

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The Information on this website does not constitute an offer to buy or sell or an invitation to make an offer to buy or sell any securities. Specific information on Lancaster’s investment products is only available to persons who have successfully registered to access the restricted part of this site (the "Restricted Area").

No Offer or Advice

The Information is provided for information purposes only, on the basis that you make your own investment decisions and do not rely upon it and does not constitute an invitation or offer to subscribe for or purchase interests in the Funds. Lancaster is not soliciting any action based on it and it does not constitute a personal recommendation or investment advice. The Site is not intended as and is not to be taken as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any security or interest, nor does it constitute an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction, including those in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such solicitation or offer. Any decision to purchase securities or interests with respect to any of the Funds described on this Site must be based solely upon the information contained in the Prospectus. Should you have any queries about the investment funds referred to on this site, you should contact your financial adviser.

The material contained on the Site is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice and the information herein is not provided in a fiduciary capacity. Potential investors in the Funds should seek their own independent financial advice. The Site does not allow visitors to make investments in any of the Funds.

Risk Factors

Past performance is not an indication of future performance. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Because of this, you are not certain to make a profit on your investments and you may lose money.

Exchange rates, among many other factors, may cause the value of overseas investments and the income arising from them to rise or fall.

Investments may have adverse tax consequences. Investors should consult their own tax adviser in order to understand any applicable tax consequences.

Accuracy of Information

The Information (including any expression of opinion or forecast) has been obtained from, or is based on, sources believed by Lancaster to be reliable, but is not guaranteed as to its accuracy or completeness and should not be relied upon. The Information is provided without obligation on the part of Lancaster and on the understanding that any person who acts upon it or changes his investment position in reliance on it does so entirely at his own risk. This does not affect any rights that may not be disclaimed under applicable law, including rights under federal and state securities laws.

Information is current only as at the date it is first posted and may no longer be true or complete when viewed by you. All Information may be changed or amended without prior notice although Lancaster does not undertake to update this site regularly.

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No representation, warranty or undertaking is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the Information by Lancaster or any of its associated companies and no liability is accepted by such persons for the accuracy or completeness of such Information. In no event will Lancaster or any of its associated companies be liable to any person for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of any use of the Information, or on any other hyper-linked site, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or data on your equipment, or otherwise, even if Lancaster is expressly advised of the possibility or likelihood of such damages.

You should be aware that the Internet is not a completely reliable transmission medium. Lancaster does not accept any liability for any data transmission errors such as data loss or damage or alteration of any kind, including, but not limited to any direct, indirect or consequential damage, arising out of the use of the products or services referred to herein.

The two prior paragraphs do not affect any rights that may not be disclaimed under applicable law, including rights under federal and state securities laws.


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Lancaster and its partners, officers and/or employees may have holdings in the investment products referred to on this site and may otherwise be interested in transactions that you effect in those products.

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This site may be linked to third party websites or contain information provided by third parties. Lancaster does not make any representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such websites or information, has not and will not review or update such websites or information, and cautions browsers that any use made of such websites or information is at their own risk. Lancaster does not accept any liability arising out of the information contained on any linked website or Information provided by a third party and the use of such sites and information is at your own risk. This does not affect any rights that may not be disclaimed under applicable law, including rights under federal and state securities laws.

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Governing Law


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Lancaster is committed to safeguarding your Personal Data. You may be asked through this site to provide Personal Data such as your name, address, telephone number, email address and other information in connection with Lancaster’s client registration procedures. To the extent that Lancaster collects any Personal Data about you, Lancaster will hold it in confidence and in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. Please see our Privacy Policy for details as to how we hold and use your Personal Data.

Telephone calls made to Lancaster will be recorded and recordings may be used for training purposes or to meet Lancaster’s regulatory requirements. Any Personal Data provided during the call will be used and held in accordance with relevant data protection requirements.

Lancaster uses cookies: a "cookie" is a small file placed on your device to allow us to recognise and remember your browser. We can use several types: session cookies to help you navigate to the appropriate part of Lancaster’s website for the jurisdiction in which you are located - these are temporary and will be removed at the end of your session; persistent cookies if you click on "remember me" to enable you to customise your use of the website - this will be stored on your computer's hard drive until automatic expiry after 30 days or until you delete it; persistent cookies to collect non-personal data for analytic reports and advertising to track your use of Lancaster’s website – this is stored on your computer's hard drive until they expire or until you delete them; advertising cookies so we can understand what sort of pages you are interested in and display advertising on your browser based on these interests and show you advertising based on your browsing patterns and interactions on Lancaster’s and other third-party websites. We may share online non-personal data collected through cookies with our advertising partners. By clicking on the acceptance box you hereby give your consent to Lancaster using these cookies.

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